Aura Hotel | Vulcano
Lipari, IT 32 C

Discover the Aeolian Islands


The largest of the seven islands. A short boat trips allows you to admire the beautiful coastline which is sometimes low and linear, sometimes higher and fringed with coves and caves, beaches and clear blue sea views. On the island there are many places to visit from the San Calogero Termes, the oldest in the Mediterranean, the pumice quarries and Caolino Caves.


A lovely island, strongly characterized by the presence of the still active volcano. The beautiful beaches of Ponente and Levante with fine black sand, the lakes of mud, the climbing of the Great Crater, and the Valley of the Monsters are among the major attractions of the island.


The ancient Greeks Didyme, so named for its shape, is the second largest island surface. Famous for its production of “Malvasia”, a sweet wine appreciated all over the world, is a strikingly beautiful island, rich in history and culture as well as natural beauty.


The volcano is one of the most active in the world and offers daily eruptions of awesome beauty. There are spectacular lava flows on the Sciara del Fuoco and views from the boat after sunset.


A fascinating island steeped in history with a branch of the Aeolian Archeological Museum and the remains of an ancient village, dating back to the Neolithic period, found on the promontory of Capo Graziano.


Definitely the wildest of the Aeolian Islands – there are no paved roads, and in fact the only means of transport are mules.


A mini archipelago in the archipelago, formed by smaller islets, reefs and rocks: Basiluzzo, Lisca Bianca, Dattilo, Lisca Nera, Bottaro, Panarelli and The Ants. It is an enchanting oasis to visit.

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